Friday, May 4, 2012

Protein Matters!

Anyone who is trying to lose weight should include protein shakes into their arsenal to fight weight loss. You can even maximize the results if you do not treat it as “the” solution. It must be a part of a complete holistic weight loss solution. In this article, we address when to drink protein shakes for effective weight loss.

Firstly, what’s in protein shakes?

Protein shakes are usually a blend of whey protein isolate and concentrate. Whey protein is entirely natural since it is a by-product of cheese and it has the highest branched chain amino acids of any natural food source. Protein shakes have become an increasingly popular supplement for both people trying to lose weight as well as those trying to build some muscles.

Do protein shakes help with weight loss?

There is not much scientific research to prove that meagerly drinking protein shakes can help you lose weight. This is especially true if your weight loss strategy is based solely on using protein shakes as a meal replacement. Many people use this strategy by replacing one or two of their meals with a protein shake.

When a dieter does this, he could inadvertently be putting his body into starvation mode as the calorie deficit may be too large. While there may be substantial early weight loss, it is seldom sustainable.

Weight loss should be approached from a holistic point of view. When you have a holistic approach to weight loss, you can definitely include protein shakes into your diet and it will help your weight loss efforts. It acts as a high quality source of protein. When coupled with a healthy diet and exercise, it is an ample source of protein for your body to build much-needed muscles.

When to drink protein shakes if you want to lose weight

You can optimize the benefits of taking whey protein if you know when to drink protein shakes. The best way to supplement with protein shakes for weight loss is by having them in between meals. Your metabolism is at its highest when you are eating meals every few hours. It is also recommended that people who are trying to lose weight should have 5-6 small meals each day.

If you have bought a protein shake which is low in carbohydrates, one shake could be approximately 150 – 200 calories. This is a great way of having a low calorie snack which will help keep your metabolism high throughout the day, and let you burn away your fat.

Protein shakes can also be an emergency meal for people who have busy schedules. Rather than missing the meal completely, you can very quickly prepare a protein shake as an emergency meal replacement.

You can use this same idea when traveling. You may find yourself having irregular meals while traveling and you can use protein shakes to fill in the void.

You could also add the protein shake into your oatmeal. This makes a very nutritious breakfast that has high quality protein as well as high quality carbohydrates. Many people suffer from abdominal bloating after eating oatmeal. Adding protein can help prevent this.

A lot of people who are on strict diets will find themselves hungry at bedtime. This can be quite a torture. A protein shake can be taken at bedtime to suppress the huger pangs. The amino acids in the protein shake may even help you get better sleep and help the release of fat burning growth hormones.

Protein shakes can be useful to those who do their exercises in the morning. This applies especially to weight training. Weight training is one of the most effective exercises for men and women if they are serious about sustainable weight loss. Having a protein shake before you start weight training can help avoid muscle catabolism which can happen when you exercise the first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. This is where your body breaks down muscles instead of fat to feed your energy requirements during the exercise.

As you can see, knowing when to drink protein shakes can definitely help in getting the most out of your weight loss efforts.

What to look out for

If you are trying to lose weight it is very important that you buy the right kind of protein shake. Many shakes have an abundance of carbohydrates in them. These are usually designed for those looking to build muscles.

You should be avoiding protein shakes which are high in carbohydrates and calories, but look out for shakes which are very low in carbohydrates. The one downside about most whey protein brands is that a lot of them contain lots of additives. It may be a good idea to look for “natural” whey protein without additives.

Protein shakes as a supplement to a healthy lifestyle

As you can see, protein shakes do have some significant benefits for people trying to build muscle or lose weight. However, it is no substitute for a good diet. You can definitely lose weight or build muscle without the help of any supplements, but supplements make life a bit easier.

There’s no need in spending a lot of money on shakes since some of them are really overpriced. If you do buy a tub of protein, avoid the expensive ones and go for one in the medium price range, you won’t notice the difference. It would also help to look for whey protein that is labeled as “natural”. These do not have additives and are sweetened with natural sweeteners such as stevia.

Protein shakes definitely have its place in a weight loss diet. You just need to know when to drink protein shakes. When taken according to the above recommendations, it can definitely boost your weight loss efforts.

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