Stress Matters
Lately I have been doing a lot of thinking about my future and how I want to change things around & kick it up a notch. I am a mother of four and two of them are teenagers, a toddler and a infant so to say I do a lot everyday is a under statement. Thinking about their future and how I prepare them for the future is a stress factor no matter the level of how it effects you. Between preparing healthy meals, making sure the time limit is set & upheld on electronic devices, checking home work, making bottles, changing diapers, and having time for yourself outside of your workout is a stress factor some days low some days high. How you deal with it all is the main thing that will set you apart from going crazy or becoming "SUPERWOMAN" lol. I have found that if I workout before my family wakes up or when they go to bed I can deal with anything better.You are balanced in your mind, body and soul when you meditate stretch and burn some body fat. Getting that metabolism up gives you more focus needed to deal with daily hits or misses. I am not so tired when those late night feedings happen or some extra loads of laundry needs to be done. I can get up earlier and have some extra morning time to myself to plan meals, have that cup of coffee in peace, and workout harder and better.If you do or do not deal with different stress factors whatever the levels it does have a positive and/or negative on your weight loss and/or gain. Prayer, meditation, and getting that workout in for me is a must to decrease anything that effects my journey with this weight management. Deal with things and stay on top of your goals to continue to climb and achieve your goals daily, weekly and or monthly! Happy Eating to you!! ~Juantoria
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